...meet Mina, the Calf
Mina was borned in december 2018. We found her on her birthday, abandoned by her mother. The first days she didn't want to drink from the bottle's biberon, but nowadays she is an addict! She likes to steal the milk from the newborned babies so don't turn your back to her.
If you like to ride rodeo (just for play): take care unless you prefer a flight! (I did it...AUWAUW!)
15 Goats jumping on a hill. Every day, recurring, we milk them for make goat cheese. After milking time in the morning, the doors unlock for an elegant quest...(click for read more about goats and view the movies)
Bela and the Twins are like Mina rescued by us us because the mother couldn't give the needful care. They grew up in our home and feel a bit special. Do you like to run? They can fly!
In the summer the barber comes for a brush up. We felt the wool and make beautiful quilts and blankets of it.
...meet Peke and her Family
Peke is a passioned pastor dog; her favourite job is to watch over the sheep, cows, and horses to keep them together and lead them to where they have to go. She is a teacher for the other dogs, who adore her. She is the happy front-runner of her supervisor. Peke and her family are perfect guardians for us, and that's why we honour them.